Woods and Petals Herbals

Woods and Petals Herbals

Skin care, Hair care, teas, yoga mat bags, wellness packs. Products for Wholesome Wellness inspired by Ayurveda and Nature and delivered to your doorstep. Woods & Petals Herbals is a conscious endeavour to encourage marginalized women to be part of an exciting journey of economic empowerment and help sustain their families. Inspired by nature & ayurveda for wholesome wellness & healthy living, they create traditional nourishing products with exotic aromas and benefits in easy to use forms. See how Woods and Petals Herbals respects nature and helps sustain marginalized families by empowering their women.

  • # all
  • # general
  • # coffee & tea
  • # conditioners & treatments
  • # oils
  • # yoga bags
Ships fromIndia
Estimated delivery time 2-6 working days for shipping within India, 12-16 days for shipping outside India
Delivery chargesCalculated at the time of order, based upon the weight of the order and shipping location
Returns / exchangesAllowed. Checkout details on merchant store.