Colors of India

Colors of India

Traditional Hand crafted products are mainly rural by their themes. Our artist Puja Bajpai offers something out of the box. Puja promotes the Handicrafts forms as not just Souvenirs/ Gifts or Show pieces but crafting an integral part of the urban setting. Her designs are innovation in itself to transform a mundane object into a charming artefact. It means our collection you will find artefacts that are themed after Urban settings as well as rural. Let's have a look at our collections.

  • # all
  • # decorative items
  • # shoulder bags
  • # general
  • # pouches & coin purses
  • # totes
Ships fromSingapore
Estimated delivery time 10+ working days
Delivery chargesCalculated at the time of order, based upon the weight of the order and shipping location
Returns / exchangesAllowed. Checkout details on merchant store.