Baby Leaf

Baby Leaf

Baby Leaf was founded upon a mission to provide hard-to-find, award-winning and environmentally-friendly baby products to discerning moms and dad. Born out of a working mom’s desire to provide only the best, safest and baby-friendliest for her newborn, Baby Leaf is committed to helping parents do the same: conveniently, affordably, and most of all, naturally. Baby Leaf brings you a comprehensive, top-of-the-line selection of eco-friendly products. Over the years, our natural parenting and baby products has grown: Now, we offer you a full range of one size cloth diapers, bath and body products, apparel, feeding ware, health & hygiene products, toys & books, baby gear, and fabulous nursing and breastfeeding aids. By making these certified, award-winning products available to you, we hope to help you find the right solutions for your baby care needs.

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Ships fromSingapore
Estimated delivery time Delivered typically within 3-5 working days
Delivery chargesCalculated at the time of order, based upon the weight of the order and shipping location
Returns / exchangesAllowed. Checkout details on merchant store.