

We carry a wide range of curated products sourced from all over the world with unique designs and in limited quantities, allowing you to share a memorable gifting experience with your loved ones. Gifting might be occasional but they could hold the greatest meaning in the heart of your receiver. We hope that our products can bring a smile to your receiver be it as a wedding gift, housewarming gift, farewell gift or even as a newborn baby shower gift.

  • # all
  • # greeting cards
  • # general
  • # stud earrings
  • # dining and serving
  • # dangle & drop earrings
Ships fromSingapore
Estimated delivery time 10+ working days
Delivery charges SGD 5 for orders less than SGD 30. Free delivery for orders above SGD 30.
Returns / exchangesAllowed. Checkout details on merchant store.