Hearts of Jewel

Hearts of Jewel

Singapore-based Hearts of Jewel wants to truly encourage self expression through an endless choice of uniquely eclectic handmade fashion jewellery. Sometimes the little things create the biggest impact. Truly passionate about self expression, Hearts of Jewel offers a very vast range of unique earrings, necklaces, rings, brooches, hair pieces, and other product types. Sourced with care so that there’s something for everyone. Hearts of Jewel sells pieces to accessorize and help bring out a unique style statement in each person. That is why their range also includes hair accessories, mobile phone accessories, key chains, bookmarks, bridal accessories, and any thing that helps a personality shine through. Making the world a more beautiful place. One person at a time.

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Ships fromSingapore
Estimated delivery time Delivered typically within 3-5 working days
Delivery chargesSGD 3.20 per order for shipping within Singapore. Free shipping within Singapore for orders above SGD 50.
Returns / exchangesAllowed. Checkout details on merchant store.